“The word ‘education’ comes from the Latin ‘educere’ = e- (out of) + -ducere (to draw). Education is not just about putting information in. We have forgotten that it, in fact, begins in the child’s heart.”

— Vince Gowman

Our Approach to Learning

Here at Nurtured Beginnings we believe in providing opportunities for learning to be child-centric and play-based, taking reference from the Early Years Learning Framework of “Belonging, Being, Becoming,” but also incorporating the teaching methods and theories of early childhood practitioners such as Friedrich Froebel, Emmi Pikler, Loris Malaguzzi (founder of the Reggio Emilia, John Bowlby as well as the Circle of Security.

Child holding up a pretend purple camera

Our foundations are built on the understanding that children learn through play. We facilitate enriching hands-on experiences and social interactions with both peers and educators to support their development in becoming valued and confident young people. 

We place a strong emphasis on physical development and outdoor play. The natural environment is an important part of our philosophy and we encourage children to spend as much time enjoying our purpose-built space and fresh air.

Child holding two small wooden blocks in front of her

With that in mind, we look at the early years in a holistic manner, taking into consideration the child as a whole; their physical development, social and emotional well-being, cognitive abilities, the environment, as well as their unique and individual personality.

Enriching children’s learning through play and social interactions is an integral part of our philosophy. During play, children learn through hands-on experiences, social interactions with peers & educators, and in turn create reason within their own world to become valued and confident individuals.

We believe that nurturing and caring environments are pivotal in the educational program that we offer, and this enables children to feel confident in their surroundings and achieve the 5 learning outcomes of the EYLF.

  • Children have a strong sense of identity.

  • Children are connected with and contribute to their world.

  • Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.

  • Children are confident and involved learners.

  • Children are effective communicators.

Our values

Collaboration • Respect • Enjoyment 

• Discovery • Compassion • Empowerment 

Our Philosophy & Statement of Commitment

Three girls sitting in the childcare sandpit

Our philosophy is the guiding principles identifying our beliefs and commitment to our children, staff, families, and community. 

We believe that each and every child should be valued for the unique and capable individual that they are and should be given equal opportunities to support inclusion for all.

Our beliefs are what set us apart in our duty of quality care and are some of our most important values in caring for our children can be considered below.

We believe the greatest way to learn is to find enjoyment throughout all of our daily routines and experiences, igniting a passion for experiencing and learning through play.

Educator sitting with a boy drawing

We believe our Educators are critical in creating positive and nurturing environments. Through open-ended play experiences, we seek to spark each child’s curiosity and passion for discovery, adventure, and learning.

Through meaningful interactions and role-modeling, our Educators facilitate and support each child’s individual learning journey.

There is a strong emphasis on the value of continuous learning as reflective practitioners where they have the opportunity to continue to grow as individuals and as well as working collaboratively as a professional team.

Educators are influenced by current research, theories, and philosophers who have paved the way for high-quality care and education.

As a child’s first educator, we appreciate that the role that families play in their child’s life is imperative. We acknowledge the importance of their diverse cultures, family make-ups, and backgrounds and seek to embed this into our everyday practises.

We believe that each and every child should be valued for the unique and capable individual that they are and should be given equal opportunities to support inclusion for all.

We have an “open-door policy” to encourage collaboration between families and the service. 

At Nurtured Beginnings, we believe that the environment is our “third teacher” and that children should have access to natural environments and outdoor settings. This is important for the child to feel a sense of belonging through their exploration and discovery.

Sustainable practices are embedded into our centre in order to preserve the environment we play in. We offer a multitude of experiences to encourage children to care for the environment, supporting their ability to develop a sense of respect and appreciation for the natural world.

Drawn road with cars and pens

We believe in the benefits of an emergent curriculum, which stems entirely from childrens’ experiences and interests.

Our focus is primarily on the experience of learning and not the outcome of a particular task. Our curriculum has a strong focus on learning through play. 

Childcare Theorists We Are Inspired By