What We Offer

Multi-Sports Program

Facilitated by qualified external providers specialising in early childhood, our multi-sport program helps children to develop gross motor and fundamental movement skills in an a weekly enjoyable, safe, structured sports education lesson.

They will cover all 15 fundamental movement skills through skill specific activities and modified sports games. Children enjoy a range of sports, including soccer, basketball, athletics, and much more.


Grow and Harvest Program

From seed to plate, children will be immersed in learning experiences from how food is planted from a tiny seed, grown, cooked, eaten, and composted with our own edible garden.

Children will take part in every aspect of these sustainable practices including worm farming and composting to foster a sustainable practices for their future.

Music and Creativity

From exploring new musical instruments to experimenting with visual arts, physical dance movements and sensory experiences, art and craft projects and many other creative arts opportunities, children are encouraged to develop their creative side.


Yoga and Mindfulness

Taking time out to unwind and relax is great for children’s mental health and overall wellbeing. The children will participate in yoga, deep breathing, and meditation exercises to support their ability to self-regulate and practice mindfulness.

Mini Masterchefs

Our on-site qualified Chef and team of Educators work together to enable children to contribute and learn about healthy food practises and enjoy nurturing their bodies with healthy, yummy food.


Second Language Program

In consultation with our families, we choose an additional language to learn throughout our week. Learning a second language has been shown to improve children’s cognitive abilities, including concentration, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

School Readiness Pre-School Program

Whilst school-readiness starts from when children begin with us at Nurtured Beginnings, we have a dedicated program for our 4-5-year-olds heading to “big school” the following year.

We cover everything from social and emotional wellbeing, conflict resolution, care of belongings, as well as literacy, numeracy, phonics, and basic writing skills.


Excursions and Incursions

We have a strong connection with our local community and love taking a walk around our area. Children will go to the Fire Station, Police Station, and Library, as well as trips to the local shops, parks or supermarkets.

We also value our visitors to the centre and will organise incursions from services such as reptile shows, petting zoos and other in house educational services.